Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Emotional intelligence

Nowadays, people’s relations with another are very important. Although skills are important, it is important to know how to work with their co-workers. Skills can be learnt through the process of the job but it is very difficult to change one’s attitude towards their job and co-workers.
In Korea, we have EQ tests for any company and for top university entrances; we can only get in if we have high EQ scores. If we have low EQ grades but very high Academic grades, it is useless as they will still fail to get into their desired workplace and company. I think this maybe something that can also be enforced in Singapore.
People who have low EQ but want to raise their EQ have to try to improve their EQ, even if it is very hard and difficult; it is a must for them as this will determine their future jobs or education. It is also essential to have high EQ in Polytechnic as we have to work in groups for group projects and if we do not have high EQ it would be very difficult for us to work together. This is also evident in the working world as we have to work in groups for company projects in the future.


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