Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How the soccer craze impacts productivity in the workplace?

Most countries would find that soccer craze is a negative impact to the productivity in the workplace. This is true as employees who are soccer fans would most likely turn in late for the night just to watch the soccer matches, especially for those countries whom they support or which would put up a good match.

This would definitely affect productivity in the workplace. Employees tend to come to work with tired and sleepy faces due to lack of sleep the night before. They would not be able to focus and give their very best at work hence, not being able to meet deadlines. Other employees who are not able to make it for the next day at work would just simply take days off or sick leave. Thus, employers would face a lack of manpower at work.
Many employers are bound to get irritated with this situation which is under control.

However, I believe that cases such as the one in China, whereby Zhang Huiquan, an editor of a Wuhan-based sports website, demonstrates his passion for soccer by holding up a sign that reads: "I will quit my job to watch the Worldcup." is rare. Many employees are bound to be aware that it is not easy to find a job these days, as the economy is just starting to recover from the recent financial crisis. Therefore, though they might go to the extent of sacrificing their sleep for the sake of the Worldcup, they would not resort to extremes such as quiting their jobs.

To resolve the problem of the soccer craze affecting office productivity, employers should look on the bright side and take this as an opportunity to build goodwill with their employees. Hence, employers would be able to communicate better with their employees and this would minimise misunderstandings. Employers can also use this as a platform to promote creativity, innovation and teamwork among the employees. This could turn out to be a good way to increase productivity in the long run.


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