Monday, June 7, 2010

Be Veg! Go Green! Save our Earth

Have you ever wonder whether the Earth is in danger or not? I can only say it that Earth is undergoing through the process of being in danger right now.

Summarizing from this article – “2010 Year of Biodiversity Tries to Rein in Runaway Extinctions”, it has a main problem which is global warming. Global warming is the increase in temperature of Earth’s near-surface air and ocean caused by the excess of carbon dioxide. We all know what is global warming but some are not sure what the main cause is. To say the true fact, Livestock (51% of global warming) is the main cause. Livestock industry produces more carbon dioxide than all the world’s cars, trains and Livestock raising drives 1/3 of the world’s deforestation. It uses up 3.4 billion hectares of land for animal gazing and for growing crops to feed the animals. Livestock’s gas and waste produces nitrous oxide and methane, which are 310 and 72 times more potent than carbon dioxide respectively.
Because of carbon dioxide, it affects ice to melt around the poles which in turns, affect the marina lives to decrease due to being unable to adapt to this “increasing temperature” in surrounding. It also causes the underground ocean where there is methane layered by frozen reserves. As the underground ice melt, the methane escapes to the air and is highly poisonous and dangerous to us if we breathe in some. It also applies to vegetation and marine lives.

In order to stop this process and save our planet, we have the power to do it and it is all up to us. It is to “Be Veg! Go Green! Save our planet” and in doing so, we can reduce the carbon dioxide from livestock. Being vegetarians, it benefits us and provides us with healthy lifestyle. If we all can act fast and start to change our way, our planet can be saved. Not only so, we can also save our loving marine lives who are suffering right now and stop the pain in animals’ hearts from being slaughtered for meats.
Being veg and go green, I can make a little difference to my planet. And you can do it too.


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