Sunday, May 30, 2010


In Korea, plagiarism is also a big problem. Before university, students normally copy some information from the internet and use it for their projects and research. They also do not credit the authors of these works and carry on without references and bibliographies. Some professors even copy and make use of their students’ thesis for work purposes. I feel that this is very wrong and that the teachers who are supposed to teach are not teaching and even copying their students work and this is very irresponsible. Only some professors tell the students to write a reference page and to credit the author, however, they do not put emphasis on this. There is also no education to students about intellectual property and rights.
However, as I have read from the article, I find that Singapore’s education ministry is doing a great job in educating the students from young about this issue and to let the students know about the importance of intellectual property rights. Using somebody’s intellectual property and not crediting it is something like stealing somebody’s work. Thus, I feel that it is very important to teach the students from young about this.
If Korean universities crack down on plagiarism it will be a big problem. This is because they never taught us why it is wrong to plagiarize. That is why I feel that schools in Korea should start teaching their students about this now.
In Korea, when students graduate from the university, it is very easy to pass their Thesis Examination. They also copy other people’s work and use it. However, they credit them but they still copy almost their entire thesis. I feel that this is not right for us as a developed country to develop further as it will hinder the education of the entire student population in Korea.
Thus, I actually feel that what Tokyo University is doing is harsh but it would be good for the students in the future.


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